Sunday, June 22, 2008

2 months old (part 2)

This is clip of emma here at home. It was a little frustrating though because she would laugh right up until we would start recording her and then she just decided that nothing was funny anymore. Anyways, here it is...

2 months old (part 1)

We've moved to greeley, co. So far so good and Emma is growing everyday. She is getting more alert and more coherent all the time. She also is a very gassy baby. Everywhere we go people keep telling us that she is the cutest baby that they've ever seen. She still sleeps through most of the night and loves to ride in the car. We lucked out in having such an easy going baby. She also definately recognizes Jackie. When she's hungry and Jackie's in the room, she will yell and look right at Jackie until Jackie takes her.