Monday, December 6, 2010

Some Videos

Well, I used our digital camera to take some videos of the girls, since I don't know if the computer will let me upload stuff from our video camera. So here are some videos. Addy started walking at the beginning of Nov. and here is a video of that. Emma is also singing some songs that she loves. The older video of Addy is when we are trying her to get her to do a funny face or laugh. So we hope that you all enjoy!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!!

October is Steve's favorite month because of Halloween!! He loves it. So among the pictures you will see Addy sitting in a chair all by herself. Well I went to go grab something in the kitchen and was listening for her and it was very quiet. So everybody knows that means something is not right. SO I went to go check on her and she had managed to pull herself up into the chair and she was very proud of it!! Another thing that happened while Emma was picking out a dress for church, she was trying to decide which one and she just said, "This is impossible!" She is quite the talker and always says some of the funniest things. Well hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!!
Emma was Snow White & Addy was a Ladybug. The second slideshow is all Halloween pics. We tried to get a good one of the both of them...but it is a little difficult.


Well not too much happened in September, except that Steve received an additional job as the 8th grade boys' basketball coach. It starts in October and goes through the first week of December. Oh than that nothing much happened but we had to adjust to Daddy not being home all day, everyday.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Well August flew by for us--before we knew it Steve had to start his internship as a school psych and I was staying home w/ the kids. I did manage to get a part-time Friday/Sat. night weekend job for about 3-4 weekends. I worked at the concession stands at a rodeo in Steamboat. They only needed help to finish out the season b/c of the all the college kids that left early. So that was nice to bring in a little bit of money. Actually our jobs didn't overlap b/c I finished the weekend before Steve started his job. Other than that nothing else happened--just tried to take it easy. Here are some August pics! Addy was finally big enough or stable enough to start taking baths w/ Emma--a lot nicer to give just one bath instead of two different ones.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Praxis --July

As you can see even though Steve finished w/ all of his classes, he still had to take & pass the lovely Praxis test for school psychs. So after we were pretty well settled, he started studying for it. I am glad to report that he did pass it & can now graduate after he completes his internship, here in Craig. Addy hit the 9 month old mark, but I don't have any stats on her from then b/c of the craziness from the move. Emma also loves playing w/ the new puppy, but is slowly learning how to treat him...gently. I am having a good time staying home and playing w/ the girls and spending time with Steve. Oh, how fast the summer will go. Also, since we live more in the mountains now, we have a lot of deer that just wander around the city. It is kind of cool, but also scary when you are driving and one just pops up out of nowhere.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

June...Moving Month

June was the month we moved. To be more exact, we moved the day after Steve finished his last semester of classes! Talk about crazy! Anyways, so it was up to me to have most of everything packed and ready to go b/c he was busy with finals, which is different than our other moves b/c he has always been available to help pack and to keep me on-task. So I was happy to report that everything was ready to go.

My family came out to help us move and to watch Emma & Addy while we moved stuff into the truck. It ended up just being Steve, Alan, Shawn, my mom, and me moving stuff into the moving truck. Oh and it was super hot--almost 100 degrees that day and we also lived on the 3rd floor. Then after moving, we had a caravan of cars going to Craig--it totaled to be around 4 + the truck, which Steve's dad gladly drove for us. So needless to say, we made it to Craig around 9pm that night, found some blankets and crashed on the floor to sleep. So we were up early the next morning ready to go. It is amazing how much faster and easier a move is when you don't have to go up and down 3 flights of STAIRS! So yeah, that is what June consisted of for us....and I am happy to report that we finally unpacked our last box in August! WOOHOO!

We also took a trip to the Vernal, UT. temple while my family was here. It is quite a long car ride with two little kids. But it was fun to spend some quiet peaceful time in the temple.

I guess I will briefly mention that we decided that we wanted to get some kind of animal. So we decided on a little kitten. But sadly we had to return it b/c it was having some problems. We decided to wait a week before we moved to get a little puppy, a bugg (pug/boston terrier mix). So the little kitten you see was only temporary, but the puppy you see in future pics. has lasted so far.

Now on to May

May was a pretty busy month for us. We were busy packing and Steve was trying to finish up his last semester of classes before we moved. We also took a trip to Craig,CO to find a place to live. We luckily found a cute little house within our budget. It is a little smaller than we were use to (i.e. Emma & Addy now share a room), but overall we have adjusted to it. Lets see what else happened...Addy turned 7 months on the first of May. Other than that May is just a blur...we did finally get Emma to sit next to Addy to take a pic. of them.

WOW, it has been a while!

Well, since it has been a long time since I last blogged, I have decided to recommit myself. So hopefully if all goes to plan, I will slowly but surely updated this starting with what happened in April and then work my way through the summer and fall. So here goes nothing!! Prepare for picture OVERLOAD!

We celebrated Emma's b-day in my parents' hotel so all could attend since our apartment was on the 3rd floor. Emma had a great b-day! She enjoyed wearing her new Tinker Bell costume. She definitely enjoyed all the bubbles, clothes, and money that she received. One funny thing she said when she opened up her great-grandpa's card was, "Ohh...MONEY!" She didn't understand how much money it was, but just knew that it was important. I am pretty sure that that is everything that happened in April. Oh wait!

Steve & I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary. We went out to eat and then the movies. We have definitely come a long way in 5 years! I graduated, he graduated & started graduate school & is almost done, oh and not to mention the 2 kids in there too.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter weekend and early b-day for Emma

Here are some pics of the kids during easter weekend. We also had an early b-day party with Steve's parents. It was a fun weekend (with the exception of the fact that Emma was terrified of Steve in the Easter bunny costume).

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Some Milestones

Well Addy has had a few milestones since the last time I have posted anything. A couple of those would be starting to play peek-a-boo, rolling around the apt. to get where she wants to go, starting to eat baby food better, starting to crawl (army man style) and getting her first tooth. We were very surprised that she got her first tooth already b/c Emma didn't get her first tooth until she was almost 9 months old. Emma has started to play w/ Addy a little more, which makes Addy happy. Emma also likes to sing songs and dance around the apt. w/ one of her dolls. We attempted to try to potty-train Emma, but she has no interest in we will try again later. Overall between the two of them, they keep us pretty busy. Here are some pics...the blessing pics. of Addy I took in our apt. since on her real blessing day she was only 1 week old. I tried my best.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

A few videos

I have been taking videos of the girls, but w/ our regular camera not the digital. So here are a few videos of Emma and Addy from today.

Monday, February 1, 2010

The STATS are IN!

Today Addy had her 4 mon. old checkup. All is great...except for the shot can the girl scream. Anyways here are the results:
Weight: 12 lbs. 6 oz. (25%)
Height: 24 in. (50%)
HC: 15.7 in. (25%)
Other than that nothing new to report.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Jan. Update

We also had the opportunity to visit my family in Ohio, but since Steve's break was over he had to stay here :( So while we were there, my bro. Alan finally got to see Addy. My Auntie, Felipe, and cousins-Jeffrey and Luigi also got to meet Emma & Addy for the first time. It was great to spend time w/ the family.

Pics from Dec.

Here are the pictures from December...

An Update Finally!!

So Thanksgiving and Christmas have come and gone since I have last updated the blog. We spent Thanksgiving w/ Jackie's family and Christmas w/ Steve's family. We had a great time w/ both sides and the kids loved hanging out w/ the grandparents. Some new things that the girls have learned to do are: Addy can roll over onto her stomach and recently decided that if she wants to go a little further, she will continue to roll from her stomach to her back to her stomach etc...until she gets a little farther. She also likes to suck her middle and ring fingers, which is nice since she doesn't care for a pacifier. She also would like to crawl b/c she wants to be apart of whatever Emma is doing. She loves it when Emma gives her any attention. It brightens her day. Emma has decided to finally like eating cereal for breakfast and using a spoon to do so. She also loves playing w/ bubbles, still enjoys books, and dancing to t.v. show theme songs. She recently starts to say some of the letters in the alphabet, counts some numbers, and loves to help clean up in any way.
Well on Mon. is Addy's 4 mon. old appt. and I will have an update on her stats then. So, here are some pics. from the last 2 1/2 months. ENJOY!

OH YES and one more important thing---Steve recently received an internship in school psychology in Craig, CO. and we will be moving there sometime between June-July! WE are SOOOO Proud of HIM!!

Pics from Thanksgiving....