Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Some Milestones

Well Addy has had a few milestones since the last time I have posted anything. A couple of those would be starting to play peek-a-boo, rolling around the apt. to get where she wants to go, starting to eat baby food better, starting to crawl (army man style) and getting her first tooth. We were very surprised that she got her first tooth already b/c Emma didn't get her first tooth until she was almost 9 months old. Emma has started to play w/ Addy a little more, which makes Addy happy. Emma also likes to sing songs and dance around the apt. w/ one of her dolls. We attempted to try to potty-train Emma, but she has no interest in it...so we will try again later. Overall between the two of them, they keep us pretty busy. Here are some pics...the blessing pics. of Addy I took in our apt. since on her real blessing day she was only 1 week old. I tried my best.