Friday, January 29, 2010

Jan. Update

We also had the opportunity to visit my family in Ohio, but since Steve's break was over he had to stay here :( So while we were there, my bro. Alan finally got to see Addy. My Auntie, Felipe, and cousins-Jeffrey and Luigi also got to meet Emma & Addy for the first time. It was great to spend time w/ the family.

Pics from Dec.

Here are the pictures from December...

An Update Finally!!

So Thanksgiving and Christmas have come and gone since I have last updated the blog. We spent Thanksgiving w/ Jackie's family and Christmas w/ Steve's family. We had a great time w/ both sides and the kids loved hanging out w/ the grandparents. Some new things that the girls have learned to do are: Addy can roll over onto her stomach and recently decided that if she wants to go a little further, she will continue to roll from her stomach to her back to her stomach etc...until she gets a little farther. She also likes to suck her middle and ring fingers, which is nice since she doesn't care for a pacifier. She also would like to crawl b/c she wants to be apart of whatever Emma is doing. She loves it when Emma gives her any attention. It brightens her day. Emma has decided to finally like eating cereal for breakfast and using a spoon to do so. She also loves playing w/ bubbles, still enjoys books, and dancing to t.v. show theme songs. She recently starts to say some of the letters in the alphabet, counts some numbers, and loves to help clean up in any way.
Well on Mon. is Addy's 4 mon. old appt. and I will have an update on her stats then. So, here are some pics. from the last 2 1/2 months. ENJOY!

OH YES and one more important thing---Steve recently received an internship in school psychology in Craig, CO. and we will be moving there sometime between June-July! WE are SOOOO Proud of HIM!!

Pics from Thanksgiving....