Wednesday, October 6, 2010

June...Moving Month

June was the month we moved. To be more exact, we moved the day after Steve finished his last semester of classes! Talk about crazy! Anyways, so it was up to me to have most of everything packed and ready to go b/c he was busy with finals, which is different than our other moves b/c he has always been available to help pack and to keep me on-task. So I was happy to report that everything was ready to go.

My family came out to help us move and to watch Emma & Addy while we moved stuff into the truck. It ended up just being Steve, Alan, Shawn, my mom, and me moving stuff into the moving truck. Oh and it was super hot--almost 100 degrees that day and we also lived on the 3rd floor. Then after moving, we had a caravan of cars going to Craig--it totaled to be around 4 + the truck, which Steve's dad gladly drove for us. So needless to say, we made it to Craig around 9pm that night, found some blankets and crashed on the floor to sleep. So we were up early the next morning ready to go. It is amazing how much faster and easier a move is when you don't have to go up and down 3 flights of STAIRS! So yeah, that is what June consisted of for us....and I am happy to report that we finally unpacked our last box in August! WOOHOO!

We also took a trip to the Vernal, UT. temple while my family was here. It is quite a long car ride with two little kids. But it was fun to spend some quiet peaceful time in the temple.

I guess I will briefly mention that we decided that we wanted to get some kind of animal. So we decided on a little kitten. But sadly we had to return it b/c it was having some problems. We decided to wait a week before we moved to get a little puppy, a bugg (pug/boston terrier mix). So the little kitten you see was only temporary, but the puppy you see in future pics. has lasted so far.

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